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EPC Products Material Testing Equipment Fire Testing Reaction to Fire Tests Horizontal/Vertical Flame Chamber UL 94 Chamber
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Horizontal/Vertical Flame Chamber UL 94 Chamber


Use:The FTT UL 94 Chamber tests are conducted on plastic materials to measure flammability characteristics

Standard:UL94, ASTM D635, IEC 60695-11-10, IEC 60707, ISO 1210, ASTM D3801, ASTM D5048, IEC 60695-11-20, ISO 9772, ASTM D4804, ISO 9773, ASTM D4986, ASTM D5025, ASTM D 5207, ISO 10093, ISO 103351, GB/T 2408, GB/T 5169.17, GB/T 8332

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Horizontal/Vertical Flame Chamber

UL 94 Chamber

The FTT UL 94 Chamber tests are conducted on plastic materials to measure flammability characteristics, giving a preliminary indication of their suitability for a particular application. The apparatus is supplied as a complete system incorporating all the features necessary for ease of use and safety. 

It also conforms to all five UL 94 horizontal and vertical burner tests and associated ASTM international standards. These are:

  • Horizontal Burning Test; UL 94HB (ASTM D635, IEC 60695-11-10, IEC 60707, ISO 1210).
  • Vertical Burning Test: UL 94 V-0, V-1, or V-2 (ASTM D3801, IEC 60695-11-10, IEC 60707, ISO 1210).
  • 500 W (125mm) Vertical Burning Test: 5VA or 5VB (ASTM D5048, IEC 60695-11-20, IEC 60707, ISO 9772).
  • Thin Material Vertical Burning Test: VTM-0, VTM-1, or VTM-2 (ASTM D4804, ISO 9773).
  • Horizontal Burning Foamed Material Test: HF-1, HF-2 or HBF (ASTM D4986, ISO 9772).
  • Burners (ASTM D5025, ASTM D5207, ISO 10093, ISO 103351)
Project Case
fire testing technology, FTT