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    EPC Products Transducer & Data logger Data Acquisition System Dynamic Strainmeter Wireless IEPE-LINK-LXRS Wireless IEPE Sensor Node
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    IEPE-LINK-LXRS Wireless IEPE Sensor Node


    Use:The IEPE-Link™ -LXRS® specialized high-speed node is designed for synchronized, periodic burst sampling of piezoelectric devices.


    Related Products

    IEPE-LINK-LXRSWireless IEPE Sensor Node, 1-Channel

    The IEPE-Link -LXRS® specialized high-speed node is designed for synchronized, periodic burst sampling of piezoelectric devices.

    Product Highlights

    • Designed for high speed, high resolution periodic burst sampling of Integral Electronic Piezoelectric (IEPE) and Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric (ICP®) accelerometers
    • Ideal for vibration sensing in challenging applications, such as critical structure and machine health monitoring
    • High resolution data with 24-bit A/D converter
    • User-programmable 1 KHz to 104 KHz sample rates
    • 109.5 dB dynamic range
    • User-selectable low pass filtering



    Sensor input channels

    IEPE accelerometer, 1 channel


    24-bit resolution

    Dynamic range

    109.5 dB dynamic range

    Anti-aliasing filter bandwidth

    5th order low-pass Butterworth filter with programmable cutoff frequencies from 26 Hz to 33 KHz

    Digital finite impulse response

    (FIR) filter

    100 dB in frequency band from 1/2 to 8 times the sample rate

    IEPE Accelerometer Requirements

    Excitation voltage

    23 V dc

    Excitation current

    2.3 mA

    Output voltage

    ± 5 V dc


    Sampling modes

    Synchronized (periodic burst sampling only)

    Sampling rates

    Periodic burst sampling: 1 kHz to 104 kHz

    Maximum burst periods

    150 seconds @ 1 kHz; 3 seconds @ 50 kHz; 1.3 seconds @

    104 kHz

    Measurable signal bandwidth

    1 Hz to 33 kHz

    Sample rate stability

    ± 3 ppm

    Network capacity

    Up to 125 nodes per RF channel (and per gateway) depending on the number of active channels and sampling settings. Refer to the system bandwidth calculator: http://www.microstrain.com/configure-your-system

    Synchronization between nodes

    ± 32 μsec with 10 sec beacon interval (synchronized mode)

    Operating Parameters

    Radio frequency (RF)

    transceiver carrier

    2.405 to 2.470 GHz direct sequence spread spectrum over 14 channels, license-free worldwide, radiated power programmable from 0 dBm (1 mW) to 16 dBm (39 mW); low power option available for use outside the U.S.A.- limited to 10 dBm (10 mW)

    RF communication protocol

    IEEE 802.15.4

    Range for bi-directional RF link

    70 m to 2 km line of sight with RF power setting

    Power source

    Internal: 3.7 V dc, 650 mAh rechargeable battery

    External: 3.2 V dc to 9 V dc

    Power consumption


    1 burst /10 minutes: 2.9373 mA (10.57 mW), 1 burst/hr: 0.6957 mA (2.50 mW), 1 burst/4 hrs: 0.2875 mA (1.04 mW), 1 burst/24 hrs: 0.1738 mA (0.63 mW) (all sampling @ 10 kHz with 5 second burst duration). See battery life calculator: http://www.microstrain.com/iepe- link-lxrs-battery-life-calculator

    Operating temperature

    -20 ˚C to +60 ˚C (-40 ˚C to +85˚C available with external battery)

    Physical Specifications


    94 mm x 79 mm x 21 mm


    114 grams

    Enclosure material


    Environmental rating

    Indoor use


    Compatible gateways

    All WSDA® base stations and gateways

    Compatible sensors

    IEPE type sensors that operate within the node input specifications and have an output within ± 5 V dc (custom options available)


    10-32 coaxial (IEPE input), terminal block (future use)


    SensorCloud, SensorConnect, Node Commander®, Windows 7 (or newer)

    Software development

    Open-source MicroStrain Communications Library (MSCL) with sample code available in C++,Python,and.NET formats (OS and computing platform independent): http://lord-microstrain.github.io/MSCL/

    Regulatory compliance

    FCC (U.S.), IC (Canada), ROHS

    Project Case
    Microstrain, LORD Microstrain, LORD