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    EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing In-situ Testing Environmental Monitoring Water Level Monitoring Model GDT-M GPRS - Global Data Transmitter Multiple
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    Model GDT-M GPRS - Global Data Transmitter Multiple


    Use:The purpose of the Global Data Transmitter Multiple (GDT-M) of Eijkelkamp Soil & Water is to connect to the Eijkelkamp Smart Sensoring product line and Divers and transmit sensor data to our customers anywhere in the world.


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    The purpose of the Global Data Transmitter Multiple (GDT-M) of Eijkelkamp Soil & Water is to connect to the Eijkelkamp Smart Sensoring product line and Divers and transmit sensor data to our customers anywhere in the world. The Global Data Transmitter (GDT) Multiple is designed for extended use in the field and to transmit data in a secure way. The Global Data Transmitter Multiple GPRS is a modem with 6 ports for e-SENSE sensors and/or Divers and/or SDI-12. Telemetry via e-mail, incl. barometer, mounting brackets, excl. battery-pack. Minimal IP 67 when installed correctly. 

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