Use:No other soil moisture probe system enables you to monitor your soil water profiles with such ease and flexibility
No other soil moisture probe system enables you to monitor your soil water profiles with such ease and flexibility. Install an access tube into the soil, insert the PR2 Profile Probe and press the HH2 [Read] button to display an instantaneous reading, or connect the PR2 to a data logger (GP2 or DL6) and leave the system to record soil moisture changes over time.
The PR2 soil moisture probe is built around patented sensing technology which provides unprecedented performance in all soil types, with minimal influence from either salinity or temperature. The PR2/4 model measures soil moisture at 4 depths down to 40 cm – the PR2/6 measures at 6 depths down to 100 cm.
Both analogue and SDI-12 interfaces are available for the PR2. Click here for information on SDI-12 Profile Probes.
The PR2/4 has sensing elements at 10/20/30/40 cm
The PR2/6 has sensing elements at 10/20/30/40/60 and 100 cm
The HH2 is a versatile readout unit that provides an easy and convenient way to display and store readings from Profile Probes. With the HH2 and PR2 combination, a probe can be moved from access tube to access tube, enabling large amounts of soil moisture data to be collected at multiple sites.
Profile Probes are available with analogue or SDI-12 outputs.
For the analogue version, order PR2/4 or PR2/6.
For the SDI-12 interface version, order PR2/4-SDI-12 or PR2/6-SDI-12.
Please note that analogue and SDI‐12 probes cannot be mixed on the same cable system
Delta-T offers a choice of two data suitable data loggers. Both have dedicated PR2 Profile Probe input channels and connectors:
The DL6 Data Logger can log one PR2/6 or one PR2/4 Profile Probe
The GP2 Data Logger can log up to two PR2/6s or three PR2/4s
The PR2 SDI‐12 is ideally matched to the SDI‐12 enabled GP2 Data Logger. Many SDI-12 Profile Probes can be connected to a single GP2 (actual number depends on cable length, power, and other considerations).
Further details of the PR2 SDI-12 can be found here.