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    EPC Products Transducer & Data logger Transducers Displacement MEMS PROFIL Digital Inclinometer Probe
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    PROFIL Digital Inclinometer Probe

    Model:PROFIL Digital Inclinometer Probe

    Use:The PROFIL is used to monitor subsurface deformations of the ground in landslides, embankments and dams, and around deep excavations and tunnels.


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    The PROFIL system includes a digital probe, lightweight control cable, Bluetooth reel, cable gate, Profil Reader app, and Profil Manager software. The standard system includes a detachable probe.  A system where the probe and the cable are permanently attached is available in option. The Profil’s major advantages are its sensor technology and mobile computing which bring simplicity to survey operations.

    To start a survey, tap an inclinometer borehole from the list displayed by the Reader. Alternatively, simply scan the QR code that is fixed to the casing. At each survey depth, the Reader prompts when a stable reading is ready to record. To record, simply pull the cable upwards to the next depth. The Reader senses motion and stores the stable reading in non-volatile memory. There is no need to hold the Reader or tap a button. Your hands stay free to work with cable and probe.If the survey is interrupted for any reason, simply tap to resume at the same depth, with no loss of data. When the survey is complete, plot checksums, profiles, and changes to validate the readings before you leave the site. Afterwards, send surveys to the office via the Internet, using email with automatic file attachments or Dropbox for full synchronization. If the Internet is not available, use a USB cable for data transfers.

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